Looking to strengthen your hands? PROHANDS PRO Hand Exerciser is the perfect choice! Our finger exerciser utilizes a spring-loaded, finger-piston system that allows you to isolate and exercise each finger. Our hand grip strengthener has been rated the best based on overall satisfaction, resistance, value for money, and build quality. Visit the PROHANDS store today to get your hands on the best!Practical Frost: Al ser una version con mayor resistencia cuesta mas trabajo en el punto intermedio, esto causa que se atoren y no bajen libremente los de los dedos interiores.
Mexico on Jun 14, 2023
OregonJIG: This has been on my desk at work for a decade now, and I give it a squeeze a couple of times a day. Springs still seem as strong now as it did at first. The label is worn off, but otherwise it has been fantastic!
United States on Sep 28, 2022
Ethan: I got into climbing around a year ago but couldn't go to the gym as often as I would have liked. When getting some climbing shoes at REI I asked the employee what he would recommend and immediately pointed to this. After using it consistently for about a month I was incredibly good at crimps! My first V5 flash was on a purely crimpy climb and seemed like a breeze. My forearms became super muscular from this as well as climbing. Now my fingers hardly ever get tired and my forearms hardly burn compared to what it was like before.
Some people say that these finger strength tools don't use the same muscles that you "actually use" in climbing, but you can move your hand different ways to work a lot of angles. I chose the heavy tension because I wanted to not want to buy another one again. Even though it was hard at first, do now use it in it's intended way.
I am super happy with this buy and definitely recommend it to any new or experienced climber if they need to work out their fingers a bit more.
United States on Aug 09, 2020
Will Mitchell: Truly the best exercise/device I have ever used to hands or forearms.
*Now keep in mind it was quick for me to figure out that using this as a single finger at a time device both feels terrible and um doesn't work at all for ring and pinky fingers; however when using it properly as a FULL HAND GRIP machine its amazing!
I can't speak to those who have had theirs break, since I bought my heavy tension (black) I have probably cranked out a couple of hundred reps a day while watching TV, walking on a tread mill, or even while driving because why not let that anger at a stop light go to work for you lol.
Do Note though my experience has seen a sharp increase in the squeakiness and overall loudness of the device, which I haven't tried to "fix" with WD40 yet and don;t thin I will try. Also I experienced the perception of a loss of tension after heavy use, but I now believe that is more likely due to actual increased grip strength, crazy right?
And no I don't think I am an amazing he-man of a man, I have honestly never had success in many other grip devices over the years, honestly before I got this I didn't believe any of them worked, but man do these do...
United States on Apr 14, 2018
Skills: Servus,
habe mir den Gripmaster "Heavy Tension " bestellt [schwarz / 9lbs pro Finger).
Grund zur Veranlassung - gesucht war ein kleines handliches Gerät fürs Büro, um zwischendurch bissl Finger- und Griffkraft zu trainieren.
Sportl. Einsatzgebiet meiner Hände -> Bouldern & Klettern (In- und Outdoor).
Nun der Gripmaster an sich ist eine feine Sache. Klein, handlich und wie ich finde gut verarbeitet.
Verletzungsgefahr durch versehentliches einklemmen von Haut in den Federn oder sonst wie kann man ausschließen.
Langlebigkeit kann ich aktuell noch nicht beurteilen.
Unschlüssig war ich zuvor welche Schwierigkeit ich bestelle. Kenne zwar meine Fingerkraft, habe diese aber nie gemessen.
Daher dachte ich versuchs mal mit dem "Heavy", also der vorletzten Stufe.
Passt ganz gut, wenn man einige Minuten mit zahlreichen Wiederholungen trainieren will.
Nun gut .. war auch zur Nebenbeibeschäftigung im Büro usw. gedacht.
Werde mir wohl dennoch zusätzlich den höchsten Grad bestellen, um wirklich pressen zu müssen.
Empfehlung daher für Boulder/Kletter Sportler...
sofern ihr das schon ne Weile betreibt und entsprechende...
Germany on Dec 09, 2015
Piero Di Paolo: Prima di tutto, un applauso ad Amazon, il pacco è arrivato in anticipo.
Per quanto riguarda il prodotto, posso dire che funziona...l'ho usato per una settimana in modo regolare e già ho visto come le dita deboli (anulare e mignolo) sono migliorate tantissimo...adesso riesco a premere fino in fondo ogni "tasto"...ho guardato gli esercizi sul sito (anche se all'inizio non riuscivo ad entrarci perchè apre un sito farmaceutico.. O.o poi ho cliccato sulla copia cache e sono entrato)...gli esercizi sul sito mi hanno aiutato sia ad allenarmi, che a verificare la resistenza del prodotto...infatti pensavo (riuscendo a schiacciarlo del tutto dopo qualche giorno) che si fossero allentate le molle...invece provano esercizi mai fatti ho riscontrato che le molle sono ancora dure come all'inizio...
Non posso dare le cinque stelle perchè trovo che il prodotto sia scomodo da usare...le misure sono 8x9x1.8 circa...e non tutti gli esercizi sono fattibili per chi ha le mani non troppo grandi...a volte devo fermarmi non per la stanchezza ai muscoli, ma per il dolore alle si usa come "antistress", con la presa ottimale e cambiando spesso mano va bene, ma se si vogliono fare tutti...
Italy on Jan 19, 2014
Al: Auch wenn der Gripmaster in Deutschland etwas teurer ist als in UK oder USA würde ich ihn doch unbedingt empehlen wenn man mehr Kraft in seinen Fingern will und evtl noch den Unterarm etwas mehr trainieren möchte.
Ich habe 22,51 € anfang August 2013 bezahlt.
Anders als bei den gewöhnlichen Handtrainern kann man hier jeden Finger einzeln Trainieren.
Ich hab mich gleich für den Heavy entschieden, da ich schon Kraftraining mache und merke das mein Handgriff immer das erste ist das nachlässt, auch wenn bei vielen Übungen noch ein paar Wiederholungen mehr machen kann.
Bis auf den kleinen Finger passt das auch, den bekomme ich nur im Vollhandgriff bis runter. Das ist normal, da man wesentlich mehr Kraft aufbringen kann, wenn man mit der vollen Hand drückt als nur mit einem einzelnen Finger.
Und der kleine Finger ist nun einmal das schwächste "Glied" :)
Wer keinen Kraftsport macht sondern und/oder eher auf die Beweglichkeit der Finger wert legt sollte unbedingt Medium oder Low nehme. Vor allem ohne Vortraining. Wenn man nur wenige Wiederholungen schafft, trainiert das zwar die Kraft aber die Beweglichkeit/Schnellkraft bleibt auf der...
Germany on Aug 18, 2013
buybot181: I had used the original gripmaster many years ago while recovering after wrist surgery. I can recall that product functioning as advertised, but it was built w/ materials that would be expected to be found on a child's toy. That is not the case with the Gripmaster Pro. This Pro Series is highly impressive - the heavier grade plastic and overall build suggests that this device would be often found in professional rehabilitation facilities.
I purchased this Pro device for a multitude of reasons. The product arrived in a simple zip-style bag with a 1 page insert that provides information on the various product line offered, some basic usage instructions, and advice regarding technique.
"Hand specialists recommend lower tension and more repetitions rather than higher tension and fewer repetitions." This is printed on the insert and I would have to agree. You need to develop endurance if hoping to improve your conditioning for sports/firearms training/typing, etc.
Longer reps would be an optimum approach. Yet I also believe that using a heavier tension with fewer reps in addition to the approach a fore mentioned can only improve your conditioning. Mix it up. If you...
United States on Jun 24, 2011
Strengthen Your Hands and Fingers with the PROHANDS PRO Hand and Finger Exerciser | NIYIKOW 5-Piece Grip Strength Trainer Kit | Adjustable Hand Gripper: GD Iron Grip Metal Hand Grip Exerciser Strengthener for Wrist and Forearm Strength Training | |
B2B Rating |
Sale off | $4 OFF | $6 OFF | $5 OFF |
Total Reviews | 51 reviews | 298 reviews | 403 reviews |
Item Weight | 0.24 Pounds | 1.17 Pounds | |
Best Sellers Rank | #371,838 in Sports & Outdoors #814 in Strength Training Grip Strengtheners | #37,446 in Sports & Outdoors #165 in Strength Training Grip Strengtheners | #4,528 in Sports & Outdoors #40 in Strength Training Grip Strengtheners |
Model Year | 2015 | ||
Part Number | 15002 | GSK-5PKIT-CA | GD_official_IGL.80 |
Model Name | Gripmaster PRO Heavy | Hand Grip Strengthener Kit | |
Size | 9 Pound | ||
Color | Heavy | Black | |
Shape | Cylinder | Variety | V Shape |
Manufacturer | Prohands by Gripmaster | NIYIKOW | GD |
Style | Hand Strength, Finger Exerciser, Hand Grip Strengthener | Hand Strength, Finger Trainer, Grip Strength Trainer, Hand Grip Strengthener | Hand Strength, Hand Grip Strengthener |
Number of Items | 1 | ||
Package Weight | 0.12 Kilograms | 0.41 Kilograms | 0.58 Kilograms |
Customer Reviews | 4.6/5 stars of 655 ratings | 4.5/5 stars of 2,222 ratings | 4.8/5 stars of 3,501 ratings |
Material | Synthetic | Stainless steel, ABS, TPE Soft Rubber | Compression Spring, Nylon, S45C Carbon Steel, Aluminum, Stainless pin |
Date First Available | May 4, 2004 | December 28, 2019 | March 28, 2017 |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 3.63 x 0.88 x 2.88 inches | 6.69 x 4.33 x 1.97 inches | 3.7 x 6.5 x 0.8 inches |
Suggested Users | unisex-adult | Unisex | |
Item Package Dimensions L x W x H | 9.06 x 5.51 x 1.18 inches | 7.32 x 4.41 x 2.28 inches | 8.5 x 5.12 x 1.93 inches |
Armando Lopes Leal Junior: Uso o produto diariamente, mas ele veio um abaixo do que solicitei, na cor cinza e veio na cor preta.
Meu pedido foi para o prohands mais forte que é na cor cinza e veio o produto na cor preta que é um abaixo do mais forte.
Como é um produto caro vou esperar um pouco e fazer nova tentativa para adquirir o produto que realmente preciso e quero.
Brazil on Oct 31, 2023