The mirror creates double lines, and made difficult to sight. It does what it's supposed to do.
United States on Oct 03, 2021
Ergo Boom:
I had an easy time, and got good alignment. I recommend using a bright light, it really helps with the mirrored surface. It's cheap and useful. What more could you want?
Australia on Sep 23, 2021
Jorge Puig Torres:
I have been fortunate to assemble perfectly but at the time of doing the calibration it was perfect.
It is not a tool that you are going to use every day or once a week but if you make capsules for the turntable and you want to do it correctly, I recommend it for the sake of your needles and the grooves of the record, have a good day
he tenido la suerte de armar perfectamente pero en el momento de hacer la calibración estaba perfecto.
no es una herramienta que la vas a usar todos los dias ni una vez a la semana pero si armas capsulas para el tocadiscos y quieres hacerlo en forma correcta la recomiendo por el bien de tus agujas y los surcos del disco que tengan buen diahe tenido la suerte de armar perfectamente pero en el momento de hacer la calibración estaba perfecto.
no es una herramienta que la vas a usar todos los dias ni una vez a la semana pero si armas capsulas para el tocadiscos y quieres hacerlo en forma correcta la recomiendo por el bien de tus agujas y los surcos del disco que tengan buen dia
United States on Sep 07, 2021
enrick maynard:
Canada on Aug 31, 2020
John C.:
I was having issues with distortion on my record player. I bought this as somebody told me that the stylus might not be aligned correctly. Well it turns out that is was not aligned correctly. This little tool helps!!
United States on Mar 04, 2020
Justin Bones:
The mirror actually makes it really easy to use
Canada on Oct 21, 2019
Brillant n indispensable 2 those who like vinyl
Canada on Sep 19, 2019
Amazon Customer:
Good quality
Canada on Sep 11, 2019
Tom C:
As usual my reviews are lengthy. I am so mad I waited a year to get this! I had no idea how misaligned my cartridge on my brand new Audio-Technical AT-LP120 USB was. This tool IS indispensable. I previously bought the Hudson Hi-Fi protractor but had to return it because the hole was too small to fit over my spindle. I could not believe how a tool designed for perfect alignment did not fit the spindle ...it’s ironic. I gave up on these thinking they’re a waste of money. I was wrong. Please choose this tool over the competition since it is designed superbly. It has instructions printed on the back side. Don’t assume cartridges are installed correctly. This will be a lifetime investment, allowing cartridges stay aligned. You will need this tool for mounting newer cartridges. I need to say the tracking slightly improved with the alignment, especially with regards to sibilance and violin passages. A slight misalignment is serious for vinyl preservation because the stylus is riding the grooves at an angle, not straight through so give this some serious thought.
United States on Mar 08, 2019
Turntable Lab Phono Cartridge Alignment Protractor Tool - Mirrored Surface for Precise Adjustments | Neoteck Digital LCD Backlit Turntable Stylus Force Gauge with 0.01g/5.00g Accuracy for Tonearm Phono Cartridge | Audio-Technica AT-VM95E Dual Moving Magnet Turntable Cartridge: A Stylish Green Option | |
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It turns out the printed version was off enough to cause some distortion, probably because punching the hole in the paper printout for the spindle was not very accurate.
But this tool is well made, easy to read, and fit the spindle exactly. After using this tool, a significant reduction in the distortion was noticed. Turns out my alignment was off such that the stylus was tracking too near the pivot point of the tonearm and also was not parallel with the record groove. Loosening the screws holding the cartridge and sliding the cartridge a little further toward the end of the tonearm to the alignment mark on the tool did the job.
Though it's a very minor adjustment (in my case only 3 millimeters), every parameter of the cartridge alignment is important.
Anyone serious about LPs should have this tool in their inventory.