Everlast 70-Pound MMA Heavy Bag Training Kit
This Everlast 70-Pound MMA Heavy-Bag Kit is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a heavy-duty punching bag. It is crafted with the highest quality materials and is designed to withstand the toughest punches. Not only is it highly durable, it also comes with an easy to install design, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a great value for money. This black heavy-bag kit is sure to provide you with hours of punching pleasure, and its overall satisfaction rating is sure to make it one of the best
Heavy Punching Bags on the market.
Key Features:
This set of boxing equipment is perfect for any level of boxer. The 108-inch hand wraps provide greater resistance for your hands and wrists. The 70-pound heavy bag is perfect for those looking for an intense workout, and the heavy bag gloves provide extra protection and comfort. The adjustable chain allows you to adjust the height of the heavy bag to your desired level. With this set of boxing equipment, you'll be ready to take your boxing game to the next level.
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