The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Delectable Recipes and Practical Wisdom from a Passionate Home Cook

The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook is an essential for any home cook! Written by Deb Perelman, this cookbook is filled with recipes and wisdom from an obsessive home cook. Not only is the printing, binding, and pages of the highest quality, but the recipes are easy to read and follow. With this cookbook, you can master the art of vegetable cooking!

Key Features:

The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook is the ultimate guide for the passionate home cook. Featuring over 100 recipes from acclaimed food blogger Deb Perelman, this cookbook is filled with delicious dishes and invaluable cooking wisdom. Each recipe is accompanied by stunning photography and easy-to-follow instructions, ensuring success in the kitchen. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned chef, The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook will take your culinary skills to the next level.
B2B Rating
26 reviews

Review rating details

Value for money
Overall satisfaction
Easy to follow
Easy to read
Binding and pages quality
Printing quality

Details of The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Delectable Recipes and Practical Wisdom from a Passionate Home Cook

  • Item Weight ‏ ‎: 2.91 pounds
  • Language ‏ ‎: English
  • Best Sellers Rank: #33 in Seasonal Cooking #44 in Vegetable Cooking #83 in Cooking for One or Two
  • ISBN-13 ‏ ‎: 978-0307595652
  • Publisher ‏ ‎: Knopf; 1st edition
  • Vegetable Cooking (Books): Vegetable Cooking
  • Hardcover ‏ ‎: 336 pages
  • Customer Reviews: 4.7/5 stars of 1,987 ratings
  • Cooking for One or Two: Cooking for One or Two
  • Dimensions ‏ ‎: 8.32 x 1.19 x 9.41 inches
  • Seasonal Cooking (Books): Seasonal Cooking
  • ISBN-10 ‏ ‎: 030759565X


FPFP: Hier meine Bewertung zu: The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook

Pro & Contra kurz gesagt:
+ Ästhetische Bilder zu jedem Rezepten
+ Tolle Rezepte (wenn auch gerne etwas gehaltvoller)
+ Klar verständliche Anleitung
+ Schöne, handliche Größe für ein Kochbuch

- Rezepte erstrecken sich über mehrere Seiten

Lang gesagt:
Ich möchte anmerken das ich Kochbücher liebe, viele besitze und ich ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Kochbüchern bin, die vor allem schön aufbereitet, die Zutaten durchaus zu bekommen sind und geschmacklich überzeugen. Zunächst sollte gesagt sein, dass es sich um ein englisches Kochbuch handelt also sollte man der Sprache mächtig sein und 'Cups' zu Hause haben, dass das Einhalten richtiger Mengen wesentlich erleichtert.

Das Kochbuch ist von Deb Perelman, die einen FoodBlog betreibt und wer zu ihrer Person mehr erfahren möchte kann diesbezüglich gerne mal googeln. Auf Grund dessen, dass mir ihre Rezept von ihrem Blog immer sehr gut gefallen/geschmeckt haben, habe ich mir dieses Buch gekauft und wurde nicht enttäuscht und in den USA schon längst ein TopSeller!

Der Inhalt:
17 Breakfast...

Germany on Feb 10, 2016

Ceri: I firstly have to admit to being a regular reader of the smitten kitchen blog. At first I was a little bit hesitant to buy the book, after all there are plenty of amazing recipes on the blog, but after one too many times of getting flour in my keyboard, I decided that it was probably for the best.

Firstly, there are a lot of recipes in here that aren't on the blog, which makes it really good. (Most people don't want to have to buy what they can get for free right?) It has a drool worthy breakfast section, gingerbread pancakes? Yes please. Yes, some of the food is rather American, but that is a large part of its charm.

As this is the British version of the book, the measurements are in the metric system which means no more looking up cup translations. There are few kind of weird replacements, but they are pretty easy to ignore.

Another thing that I find quite good is that a lot of the recipes require ingredients that you do actually have, rather than something obscure that you will no doubt need to hunt down. Overall it's a great book for followers of the website. And anyone that owns this and doesn't follow the blog, should look it up, then be prepared to...

United Kingdom on Apr 18, 2013

mickeysfriend: I love the Smitten Kitchen blog, and this book is the site's perfect companion - gorgeous photos, food that makes you hungry just to read about, and a winningly friendly style of writing. I love that there are a handful of recipes from the blog but the majority were created by Deb just for this book. I have already cooked and enjoyed a few of the recipes and am planning to cook many more!

Sadly, Deb has been a bit let down by her UK publisher. There's a typo in the very first recipe (that I am certain she would be appalled to see!), some of the adaptations are annoying - for example the "Marshmallow cake" recipe is clearly a S'mores cake. The whole recipe only makes sense if you explain that there is an American treat called a S'more that's a US campfire tradition involving a marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker/UK digestive biscuit. But rather than just add a note on those lines, the publishers have substituted some of the words and ingredients, but not explained why these things go together. There are other examples too like the "Wotsits" reference to cheese crackers that another review mentioned.

It's also sad to see that on some pages (normally where a UK...

United Kingdom on Mar 11, 2013

P Mac: First off, I love the Smitten Kitchen blog and have cooked many recipes from it. I ordered this cookbook as soon as it was announced and waited patiently for the UK version - I wondered why there was such a long delay in having it being released here. I got the book today, and I am sure the recipes are great, but as I leafed through it, I noticed somethings that just seem "off".

The book has been somehow "translated" from a US cookbook into one for the UK audience. In some cases, the translations are great - "Double Cream" vs. "Heavy Cream", "Unfiltered Apple Juice" vs. "Apple Cider" and all amounts in grams and milliliters vs. cups and pints. However, there are some changes that make it sound like it was written by a Londoner living in New York versus a real American. For example, it is written that "I spent £10 on it" - I am sure Deb never wrote that. Also, "Wotsits" can in no way ever be called a "Cheese Cracker" (I am sure the US version says "Cheez-its"). The subtitle of this book is "Recipes from a New York Kitchen" - the translations somehow rob Deb of her American voice and weaken the narrative. (Disclaimer: I am an American living in London).

United Kingdom on Feb 27, 2013

K. Cain: I've enjoyed reading cookbooks since I was 12 and taught myself to bake using my mother's Betty Crocker Illustrated Cookbook. I've been reading Deb's blog for several years now, and was so happy to hear she had published a book.

The photographs are amazing, crisp and clean and not out of focus (like Pioneer Woman's). Like Deb, I have a tiny kitchen and I liked the peek into her kitchen. Deb is not a blogging juggernaut; she comes across as a good home cook who cooks so she can eat the food she likes.

I have to eat a gluten free diet for health reasons and was pleased to see many of her recipes are either gluten free naturally or can be adapted easily; for instance, her Leek Fritters only call for 1/4 cup of all purpose flour, so substituting a neutral GF flour works perfectly here. I made them the other night and was amazed at how a few simple ingredients made something so addictive. The recipe was also easy to adapt to use different vegetables; I've made them since with cooked asparagus instead of leeks and they turned out wonderfully. They were a tad salty to my taste, but this may have been a difference in salt, so I just dialed the salt down the next time I made...

United States on Jan 07, 2013

Jessica: I have been visiting the Smitten Kitchen blog for awhile now so when I noticed Deb had a new cookbook out I immediately ordered it from Amazon. It came quickly much to my pleasure. How many great things can I say about this cookbook? 1) The recipes are all insanely good. She doesn't publish a recipe unless it's truly worthy. 2) Each recipe has pictures! She takes them herself and they're great. If you're like me and like to see if you're food is on track with the recipe then these pictures are priceless. 3) She not only lists ingredients in cups and tablespoons, but also in grams so I can use my digital kitchen scale and only dirty one bowl. 4) She has a personal story for each recipe which I find thoroughly interesting and makes me eager to try the recipe even more. 5) If you lose the jacket cover the hardback is printed to still look appealing 6) It lays flat when you open it. 7) She has breakfast, salads, sandwiches, vegetarian entrees, meat/fish entrees, many desserts and even a few appetizers--what more could you want? Be forewarned there are more dessert recipes than entree recipes, but that fits me just fine. 8)Also worth noting is these aren't your average recipes. She...

United States on Dec 29, 2012

Robyn Scherbatsky: Den Weblog von Deb Perelman verfolge ich schon eine Weile, und in dieser Zeit habe ich schon unzaehlige ihrer Rezepte nachgekocht - und jedes Mal war ich hinterher begeistert. In der Einleitung ihres lange erwarteten Kochbuchs schreibt die Autorin treffend, dass es nicht die Arbeit und Zeit ist, die viele Menschen davon abhaelt, selbst zu kochen, sondern die Ungewissheit, ob es sich auch lohnen wird. Wird das selbst zubereitete Gericht besser sein als alles, was man beim Lieferservice bekommen haette? Wird es die Muehen lohnen? Ihr Ziel ist es deshalb, dass alle ihre Rezepte diese Frage mit "Ja!" beantworten lassen.
Ich habe bisher einige Rezepte aus dem Fruehstueckskapitel ausprobiert, einige Hauptgerichte und den ein oder anderen Salat und kann das durchaus bestaetigen. Es hat sich jedes Mal gelohnt, frueher aufzustehen um ein besonders leckeres Fruehstueck geniessen zu koennen.
Die Aufteilung des Kochbuch in verschiedene Bereiche ist nicht unueblich, aber sehr praktisch. Es gibt einzelne Kapitel zu Fruehstueck, mit suessen und herzhaften Rezepten, Salaten, Sandwiches & Pizza, vegetarische Hauptgerichte, Hauptgerichte mit Fleisch, Desserts, Kuchen und Gebaeck, und...

Germany on Nov 23, 2012

The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Delectable Recipes and Practical Wisdom from a Passionate Home Cook Explore the Delicious World of Korean Vegan Cooking with The Korean Vegan Cookbook: Reflections and Recipes from Omma's Kitchen Ottolenghi Flavor: Delicious Recipes from the Award-Winning Chef
The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Delectable Recipes and Practical Wisdom from a Passionate Home Cook Explore the Delicious World of Korean Vegan Cooking with The Korean Vegan Cookbook: Reflections and Recipes from Omma's Kitchen Ottolenghi Flavor: Delicious Recipes from the Award-Winning Chef
B2B Rating
Sale off $17 OFF $17 OFF $13 OFF
Total Reviews 26 reviews 146 reviews 429 reviews
Item Weight ‏ ‎ 2.91 pounds 0.035 ounces 3.52 pounds
Language ‏ ‎ English English English
Best Sellers Rank #33 in Seasonal Cooking #44 in Vegetable Cooking #83 in Cooking for One or Two #2 in Korean Cooking, Food & Wine#7 in Vegetable Cooking #15 in Vegan Cooking #14 in Mediterranean Cooking, Food & Wine#16 in Vegan Cooking #42 in Celebrity & TV Show Cookbooks
ISBN-13 ‏ ‎ 978-0307595652 978-0593084274 978-0399581755
Publisher ‏ ‎ Knopf; 1st edition Avery Ten Speed Press; NO-VALUE edition
Vegetable Cooking (Books) Vegetable Cooking Vegetable Cooking
Hardcover ‏ ‎ 336 pages 336 pages 320 pages
Customer Reviews 4.7/5 stars of 1,987 ratings 4.8/5 stars of 2,600 ratings 4.8/5 stars of 8,158 ratings
Cooking for One or Two Cooking for One or Two
Dimensions ‏ ‎ 8.32 x 1.19 x 9.41 inches 8.48 x 1.12 x 10.24 inches 7.94 x 1.25 x 10.9 inches
Seasonal Cooking (Books) Seasonal Cooking
ISBN-10 ‏ ‎ 030759565X 0593084276 0399581758
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