How to Dress for Lasting Style: An Expert Guide to Men's Fashion

By: Alan Flusser (Author)

Looking for the perfect gift for the fashion lover in your life? Look no further than Alan Flusser's "Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion". This comprehensive guide to men's fashion is one of the best Fashion History Books available, offering easy-to-read and easy-to-understand advice on style. Not only is it an excellent value for money, but it is also an ideal gift for any fashion enthusiast. Get ready to take your style to the next level with this must-have fashion guide!

Key Features:

Alan Flusser is an acclaimed fashion designer who has been creating stylish garments for over three decades. His designs are renowned for their timeless elegance and sophistication, and his collections are highly sought after by fashion-savvy individuals around the world. His work has been featured in many of the world's top fashion magazines and he has been the recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the fashion industry. With his unique vision and unparalleled craftsmanship, Alan Flusser continues to be a leader in the world of fashion.
B2B Rating
16 reviews

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Value for money
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Easy to understand
Easy to read
Binding and page quality

Details of How to Dress for Lasting Style: An Expert Guide to Men's Fashion

  • Customer Reviews: 4.8/5 stars of 757 ratings
  • Language ‏ ‎: English
  • ISBN-13 ‏ ‎: 978-0060191443
  • Publisher ‏ ‎: HarperCollins; First Edition
  • Dimensions ‏ ‎: 9.06 x 0.98 x 11.69 inches
  • Best Sellers Rank: #4 in Style & Clothing#35 in Fashion History#45 in Fashion Design
  • Style & Clothing: Style & Clothing
  • Fashion Design: Fashion Design
  • Item Weight ‏ ‎: 3.53 pounds
  • ISBN-10 ‏ ‎: 0060191449
  • Fashion History: Fashion History
  • Hardcover ‏ ‎: 320 pages


Anton: This book is a Bible of men's clothing style. Each chapter addresses a certain key aspect - color and fit as well as particular clothing pieces (suits, trousers, shirts, etc).

Germany on Sep 26, 2023

Louis Thibeault: Donné en cadeau, mais je suis très content avec cet achat et il a été très apprécié.

Canada on Aug 19, 2023

SAPFloyd: I am blonde and fair skinned. It really helped me understand my shirt / sport coat selections that will best compliment my skin tone. I stopped buying slimming dark shirts.

United States on Jul 27, 2023

Kenneth D. Salisbury: This book was what I would call « like new » condition. I would purchase from this seller again. Great book, great service.

United States on Jun 18, 2023

Halli Hallo: An ideal book. I have German mother tongue so my „nails roll up“ when I see even English native speakers having problems with too sophisticated English here. The world‘s education levels truly seem degenerating as I am sure your fathers and grandfathers would have appreciated this fine language. if something than the book broadened my vocabulary while being all but old-fashioned.

Time-less piece that helps you foster YOUR unique style rather than giving some static dress code like the books I see here other users suggest.

Germany on Feb 22, 2023

Andreas Schlegel: Das vorliegende Buch wird oft mit Bernhard Roetzels "Gentleman" verglichen. Das ist m.E. falsch, denn dieser ist im Wesentlichen eine Materialkunde und sagt: "Gehen Sie zu einem Maßschneider und hoffen auf ein gutes Ergebnis". Dieses hier von Flusser informiert den Leser über die Prinzipien von Proportionen und Farben, ohne direkt auf die Maßschneiderei Bezug zu nehme. D.h. man kann sich theoretisch auch mit Konfektion gut einkleiden. Man erfährt viel über die Kombination von Sakko, Hemd, Krawatte und Einstecktuch, sodaß man nie langweilig wird. Allerdings bezieht sich das vorwiegend auf die Muster, die Farben muß man selbst wählen oder den Farbkreis zuhilfe nehmen. Ein Problem gibt es aber doch: Da die Proportionen fast unveränderlich sind, kann die aktuelle Mode deutlich davon abweichen. Da hülfe doch nur der Gang zum Schneider. Man kann aber heutzutage auch bei Second Hand oder ebay einkaufen und dann ggf. von der Änderungsschneiderei anpassen lassen.

Germany on Feb 20, 2022

James M.: This book turned out to be much more than I expected. It has style and color advice plus history of how current western business dress evolved. The pictures are excellent illustrations of style and the fold out color suggestions by season are excellent. The book provides a valuable style guide on areas difficult for many men: such as how to match patterns and colors and what colors to avoid and why. There are instructions on how to tie a necktie. It assumes that a man wants to look good in his clothes whatever amount he spends.

Many may think a book like Dressing The Man is no longer worthwhile to read. Due to the ultra relaxed clothing styles enabled by covid-19 remote work the great majority of men no longer need to dress in a coat and tie for the office. The book is dated in that it does not dedicate many pages on how to look good in jeans with fashionable torn knees. This may put off many current 18 to 30 year old men.

I recommend the book for any man who wants to maximize value received with a small clothing budget. This is especially true if someone only has enough money for one suit or one sport coat. It offers clear advice on how to look well dressed to women...

United States on Jun 01, 2021

Chris77: Alan Flusser è considerato un'autorità in materia di "permanent fashion" ed eleganza maschile, e leggendo questo libro si capisce perché.

Il testo è veramente esaustivo. Non si limita a dettagliare le regole non scritte dell'abbigliamento maschile, ma ne riporta anche un minimo background storico che permette di comprenderne meglio l'origine. E' dato molto spazio ad abiti e spezzati, camicie, accessori e al loro utilizzo, tanto da non lasciare quasi dubbi. C'è un capitolo dedicato al dress code per le occasioni più formali che tratta dettagliatamente di frac e smoking. Meno approfondita, ma comunque utile, la parte dedicata alle calzature, mentre non sono (purtroppo) considerati cappotti e soprabiti. Si parla in maniera molto chiara anche degli accostamenti di colori, trame e fantasie, nonché della loro ottimizzazione in base alle caratteristiche individuali, secondo un vero e proprio modello che parte dalla valutazione del proprio "contrasto" e dei propri colori. Ho provato personalmente questo approccio e sono stupito di quanto efficace sia, nonostante, in parte, lo applicassi già in maniera istintiva.

Le immagini e le illustrazioni di supporto sono...

Italy on Feb 10, 2017

Uberfiend: This is a great book about achieving a timeless look and acquiring quality apparel. Like most men, I was never taught anything at all about color coordination or how to match patterns, let alone judge the quality of clothing. I just assumed that it was a talent that some people are simply born with. While it might be true that some people are gifted in that regard, it is also a skill that can be both taught and learned.

This book is one of several that I credit for teaching me the basics of dressing well and it has been absolutely indispensable in my professional career. I only wish someone had given it to me as a graduation gift.

My only gripe about this book is that Flusser skimps on some details which are made obvious only by their absence. Flusser specifically writes about the importance of color and finding one's personal colors based on the strength of your natural color (skin tone and hair). Flusser goes on to explain how, in ye olden days, men's magazines often had articles discussing and applying color theory to dress and explanations about how one can match clothing colors to personal color to create a pleasing appearance. And that's it. Although he...

United States on Dec 04, 2014

B. Byrne: This is my first "fashion" book. I used to think i understood a good fit; when the tailor at Brooks Brothers, Nordstroms, etc.. came out and just measured. WRONG. Thank you Alan Flusser. The Tailor is just the last stop in a chain of events that you didn't know existed.

There is more to a good fit than taking in or letting out. This is what prompted me to finally start making changes in how I purchase my few key suites, jackets, dress pants, and dress shirts. I followed Alan's process for identifying the type of clothing best suited for my face, height, and personal style. There are of course specific terms for all the areas of focus, and you will learn them from this book. However the "coup de grace" is that he has photo's of the same attire on different people, and different attire on the same person. Fashion is a visual game. Just like a great sports announcer who can cater to the veteran player watching or the first time fan, he makes it accessible and understandable while not leaving the better informed bored.

Now the big finish. Ever since I followed some of his advice, I've felt more in comfortable and confident in certain "high expectations" situations. With...

United States on Dec 30, 2012

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How to Dress for Lasting Style: An Expert Guide to Men's Fashion Uncover the Life and Legacy of Coco Chanel: An Illustrated Look at the Iconic Designer's World Dapper Dan: A Memoir of Growing Up and Making it in Harlem
B2B Rating
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Total Reviews 16 reviews 154 reviews 77 reviews
Customer Reviews 4.8/5 stars of 757 ratings 4.8/5 stars of 3,063 ratings 4.8/5 stars of 1,776 ratings
Language ‏ ‎ English English English
ISBN-13 ‏ ‎ 978-0060191443 978-1743790663 978-0525510512
Publisher ‏ ‎ HarperCollins; First Edition Hardie Grant; Illustrated edition Random House; NO-VALUE edition
Dimensions ‏ ‎ 9.06 x 0.98 x 11.69 inches 6 x 0.75 x 8.75 inches 6.4 x 1.13 x 9.54 inches
Best Sellers Rank #4 in Style & Clothing#35 in Fashion History#45 in Fashion Design #55 in Fashion History#102 in Fashion Design#603 in Women's Biographies #57 in Fashion History#104 in Fashion Design#2,000 in Memoirs
Style & Clothing Style & Clothing
Fashion Design Fashion Design Fashion Design Fashion Design
Item Weight ‏ ‎ 3.53 pounds 1.41 pounds 1.18 pounds
ISBN-10 ‏ ‎ 0060191449 174379066X 0525510516
Fashion History Fashion History Fashion History Fashion History
Hardcover ‏ ‎ 320 pages 208 pages 304 pages
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