Fred Bloggs: Very easy to set up even considering the double action hand pump. Fairly easy to deflate. A little tricky to fold and get back in the bag. The footrest divider needs a proper strap to hold it in place. Velcro useless first time your feet push on it. Have used 3 times so far. Suggest placing towel between your knees to soak up water dripping off the paddles. Time will tell if the plastic will not eventually crack due to the folding. You have to pay attention to where the rigid parts of the keel are when folding up for storage. With two adults and one in rear paddling the kayak is fairly manouverable and once moving is easily kept moving. Also, it would be good if there was a way to strap the seat bottom in place which would then allow the backrest straps more effective.
United States on Sep 08, 2023
Willy: Artikel kam solide verpackt einen Tag früher als angekündigt. Anleitung gelesen, leicht verständlich, am nächsten Tag zum See, aufgepumpt, und los ging. Noch ohne Spritzschutz (muss extra gekauft werden), aber hat viel Spaß gemacht. Wir werden viel Zeit auf dem Wasser verbringen gen. Eine echte Bereicherung. Über Robustheit kann nach 1 Woche noch nicht viel gesagt werden, aber positiv denken....
Germany on Jun 17, 2022
Chrissie: Mit knapp 60 sich einen neuen Sport/ein neues Hobby zu suchen, setzt einigen Mut voraus. Erst recht wenn man am Rhein wohnt und endlich mal das "Kajaken" anfangen möchte. Schon in der Auswahl von entsprechenden angebotenen Kajaks ist man als enthusastischer Laie maßlos überfordert. Welche Ansprüche, Vorstellungen, Kriterien setzt man als Maßstab beim Kauf? Und in Coronazeiten ist der der Kajakmarkt dann auch noch fast leer gefegt. Hat man endlich ein entsprechendes Model entdeckt, sind die Lieferzeiten zurzeit tlw. 2-3 Monate. Toll, mitten in den Ferien!
Also um es kurz zu machen: Nach unendlich vielen durchgelesenen Rezensionen stießen wir auf den 2er Kajak "Advanced Elements unisex-erwachsene Kajak Frame Convertible". Fazit: Wir sind restlos begeistert! Alles Beschriebene trifft uneingeschränkt zu. Für Anfänger durchaus geeignet. (Vor-Lektüre empfohlen! Tipp: "Der Kajak - Lehrbuch für den Kanusport" von Jürgen Gerlach) Anleitung durchlesen, verinnerlichen, umsetzen, fertig!! Wenn ich nicht genau wüsste, dass es sich bei diesem Kajak nicht um ein Lebewesen handelt, sondern um reine Materie, würde ich sagen: Dieses Boot hört auf's Wort. Aber.... auch das Advanced...
Germany on Sep 03, 2020
Amazon Customer: I love this kayak! When I first heard of inflatable kayaks, I thought pool toy. This is so durable and so far from that! I read every description and review several times before purchasing. I wanted a kayak I could tote myself, and a tandem that maybe I could get my hubby in. My reluctant husband likes it too and feels 100 Percent comfortable and safe in it. It would be super hard to overturn. I have had kids get in and out of it in the water when using it to swim, etc... I can take it out by myself, but I have had a lot of fun taking out people who have never kayaked or are unsure! It is difficult for me to get out of a typical kayak due to an injury and I am not young, and I have to have someone help me get out. I get out of this on my own with no problem.
At first, I did not get the Advanced Elements hand pump due to some bad reviews. I ordered another brand but the nozzle for the two main chambers didn't work well at all and the guage didn't work. I returned it and ordered the Advanced Elements pump. I wish it was a little bigger and more sturdy, but it too, was a dual action pump. The nozzles fit perfectly of course! The guage doesn't work, but I just read directions...
United States on Aug 15, 2020
Amazon Customer: Overall a good buy and happy with it. But there are a few issues worth pointing out. It’s big...if you’re using it alone I hope you’re strong, because carrying it on your own on a breezy day can be entertaining. If (like me) you’re buying it to just be able to offer a partner the opportunity of sharing your pastime, rather buy 2 singles. The seat lacks a little support when you’re out on your own...I’m still trying different positions and trying to make it comfortable for a long row, but haven’t got there yet. I’m sure it’s different with 2 because one will have the additional support of the back and the person in front will have the ability to lean against the footrest of the person behind. I was concerned to start getting recommendations of yet more accessories to buy to improve rugidity and tack after my purchase, but for a recreational kayak it works fine as it is. Big plus is that I keep it in the back of my suv and I can pull it out anywhere, anytime and be on the water in under 15 minutes.
Canada on Jun 24, 2018
vanni: Ho avuto modo di utilizzare il kayak sia in mare che al lago. Al mare l'ho usato con continuità per circa 2 settimane e con differenti condizioni metereologiche. IL kayak, ha risposto egregiamente in tutte le differenti condizioni di mare.
La qualità dei materiali alla vista e al tatto danno la netta sensazione di prodotti di alta qualità, se il materiale manterrà le iniziali premesse nel tempo è tutto da verificare.
La linea del kayak, perché di kayak trattasi, gli conferisce l'assoluta stabilità. Utilizzato con mare sensibilmente mosso , con forti correnti incontrate a diverse miglia dalla costa non si è riscontrato alcun problema permanendo la rassicurante sensazione di stabilità trasmessa dall'imbarcazione.
L' advanced palesa tutta la sua praticità quando consente ai canoisti, amanti di tuffi nel blu, di risalire agevolmente in canoa senza compire
eccessivi sforzi.
Ovviamente gli accessori migliorano le performance del kayak. Indispensabile il punta piedi, necessaria la cover, suppongo utile il backbone, che mi accingo a comprare.
La miglioria che andrebbe portata, a mio modestissimo parere, è una più efficiente impermeabilizzazione del ponte di...
Italy on Oct 31, 2015
Buckdog: Dopo aver letto queste recensioni e raccolto il parere di altri su siti specializzati ed essermi recato dal "noto" negozio di sport, ho acquistato QUESTO Kayak!
Che dire, è stata una rivelazione.
Già maneggiandolo si vede la differenza abissale con gli altri, i materiali sono di un altro livello.
Si monta e si smonta in un attimo, i manuali sono in italiano ed è scritto TUTTO quel che c'è da sapere.
La chiglia rigida grazie ai profili di alluminio frontale e posteriore fanno si che tagli l'acqua in modo spettacolare, è incredibile quanto veloce possa andare pagaiando senza troppo sforzo.
E' davvero una lippa...va velocissimo!
Ci siamo divertiti davvero....non è il solito canotto travestito da Kayak!
Il trasporto senza carrello è possibile con facilità in 2 persone, l'anno prossimo compro il carrellino ed anche questa è risolta!
Se poi gli mettete il backbone si irrigidisce a tal punto che sembra davvero un kayak RIGIDO!
Secondo me un accessorio che val la pena è il doppio ponte che chiude sulle cerniere il kayak, per 2 motivi: il primo è che si "eliminano" le cerniere che servono x fissarlo a questo che se non si sta attenti possono graffiare,...
Italy on Aug 29, 2014
sd: I am a whitewater kayaker and previously only had tried whitewater kayaks. I went through the whole novice phase where trying to paddle just turns you around and around - not to mention, extremely frustrating. White water kayaks are meant to spin very easily because you want to be able to maneuver your kayak really quickly when you are in the rapids or among rocks or other hazards. Speed is much less of a concern with a white water kayak since, well, the water is already moving, so you don't need to paddle very hard.
However, taking a whitewater kayak in a lake is pretty much good for only two things: 1) An extremely good workout - since the kayaks simply do not want to go straight and 2) Practicing your skills in a safe environment without having to worry about hazards and currents.
My wife had been wanting to go on the water with me for a while now so I finally buckled down and bought this kayak (of course after researching the hell out of inflatable kayaks.) Friend kayakers had told me that Inflatable kayaks are in general stable and this kayak just delivers on the mark. I bought it with the double action pump and it worked pretty well. The kayak is pretty heavy -...
United States on Jul 01, 2014
Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame Convertible Inflatable Kayak: All-in-One Solution for Your Water Adventure! | Intex Explorer K2 2-Person Inflatable Kayak Set with Aluminum Oars and High Output Air Pump for Maximum Performance | Lifetime Wave™ Youth Kayak with Paddle - Perfect for Kids & Teens | |
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B2B Rating |
Sale off | $384 OFF | $45 OFF | $7 OFF |
Total Reviews | 24 reviews | 1 reviews | 47 reviews |
Customer Reviews | 4.3/5 stars of 264 ratings | 4.5/5 stars of 28,209 ratings | 4.7/5 stars of 1,015 ratings |
Part Number | AE1007-R | 68307EP | 90477 |
Weight Limit | 550 Pounds | 350 Pounds | 130 Pounds |
Warranty Description | 1 year manufacturer | 90-Day Limited Manufacturer | 5-Year Limited Manufacturer Warranty |
Date First Available | January 1, 2007 | November 14, 2012 | July 17, 2012 |
Country of Origin | Indonesia | ||
Size | 15' | 2-Person | 6-feet |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 180 x 32 x 12 inches | 123 x 36 x 20 inches | 72 x 24 x 9 inches |
Package Weight | 27 Kilograms | 16.31 Kilograms | 13.09 Kilograms |
Brand Name | ADVANCED ELEMENTS | Intex | Lifetime |
Sport Type | Kayaking | Kayaking | |
Brand | ADVANCED ELEMENTS | Intex | Lifetime |
Included Components | Skeg | Skeg | |
Color | Red | Yellow | Green |
Best Sellers Rank | #257,296 in Sports & Outdoors #57 in Fishing Kayaks | #4,387 in Sports & Outdoors #1 in Touring Kayaks | #225,671 in Sports & Outdoors #25 in Touring Kayaks |
Number of Items | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Model Name | AdvancedFrame Convertible Kayak | Explorer K2 Inflatable Kayak | |
Style | Without Pump | 2-person | Paddle Included |
Product Dimensions | 35"L x 21"W x 12"H | 123"L x 36"W x 20"H | 72"L x 24"W x 9"H |
Item Package Dimensions L x W x H | 36.5 x 22.5 x 12.25 inches | 23.23 x 16.46 x 13.78 inches | 70 x 21 x 14 inches |
Suggested Users | Unisex-adult | Unisex-adult | "", Water Sports |
Item Weight | 52 Pounds | 35.02 Pounds | 18 Pounds |
Model Year | 2019 | 2015 | |
ASIN | B000J2O5VE | B00A7EXF4C | B00CX0KMP8 |
Seating Capacity | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Material | Nylon, Plastic | Polypropylene | Hard Shell |
Manufacturer | Advanced Elements | Intex | Lifetime |