Everything You Need to Know Before Choosing Baby Thermometers
What Are Baby Thermometers
A baby thermometer is a medical device used to measure the body temperature of infants and young children. It is specifically designed to be safe, accurate, and easy to use for babies.
Types Of Baby Thermometers
There are several types of baby thermometers available on the market. Here are some common types:
- Digital Thermometers: These are the most commonly used thermometers for babies. They use electronic sensors to measure body temperature and provide a digital reading on a screen. Digital thermometers can be used orally, rectally, or under the armpit.
- Ear Thermometers: Also known as tympanic thermometers, these devices measure the infrared heat waves emitted by the eardrum. They are quick and easy to use, providing a temperature reading within seconds. However, it's important to position them correctly for accurate results.
- Forehead Thermometers: These thermometers use infrared technology to measure the temperature of the temporal artery on the forehead. They are non-invasive and provide quick readings. Forehead thermometers are suitable for babies of all ages, including newborns.
- Pacifier Thermometers: These thermometers are designed to resemble pacifiers and have a built-in temperature sensor. They are convenient for taking a baby's temperature orally, but they may not be as accurate as other types.
- Strip Thermometers: These thermometers consist of a thin strip with temperature-sensitive liquid crystals. They are placed on the baby's forehead or abdomen, and the color change indicates the temperature. Strip thermometers are less accurate than other types and are not recommended for precise temperature measurement.
- Smart Thermometers: These thermometers connect to a smartphone or other devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. They provide accurate temperature readings and often come with additional features like tracking temperature history and setting reminders.
How to chose the best baby thermometers
The best baby thermometers are easy to use and produce fast, accurate results. To help narrow down your choices, we sought feedback from experts, the AAP and What to Expect staff and community members on which features to look for in baby thermometers. Based on their comments, we ensured that all the thermometers selected met the following criteria:
Readability: The AAP recommends the use of digital thermometers due to their straightforward readings. It is especially beneficial to opt for a model with a backlit display when checking a baby's temperature in a dark nursery. Moreover, a thermometer that verbally reads out the temperature can be particularly helpful during nighttime when the display might be challenging to read or when the caretaker has impaired vision.
Mercury-free: Mercury, being an environmental toxin, poses a particular threat if a thermometer were to break. Although they are less common nowadays in the U.S., some legacy mercury thermometers might still be found in the back of grandparents' medicine cabinets, so caution is advised.
Fast results: The majority of thermometers provide results within seconds, but even a slight difference in seconds becomes crucial when attempting to measure the temperature of a restless and irritable baby. There are thermometers that offer instantaneous results, whereas others may require up to 60 seconds. Hence, it's essential to be aware of the speed capabilities of each model if obtaining rapid results is a priority for you.
Comfort: The primary concern with rectal thermometers is ensuring maximum comfort for the baby, especially when they are already feeling unwell. Incorporating features like a flexible tip can significantly enhance the comfort level during insertion. Some rectal thermometers are specifically designed for babies with a short probe and stopper to prevent inserting it too far. On the other hand, forehead thermometers are the least invasive option for babies, and many models allow temperature measurement without even touching their skin.
Ease of use: Baby thermometers can be enhanced with various features to improve their usability and functionality beyond the fundamental task of measuring temperature. One example is the inclusion of a broad base on rectal thermometers, which facilitates a more comfortable grip during insertion. Additionally, certain thermometers boast advanced technology, enabling them to sync with a mobile app to store baby's temperature readings, allowing parents to monitor temperature trends. Another appealing option is multi-use thermometers that can measure temperature from both the ear and forehead.
Tips For Using Baby Thermometers
When using baby thermometers, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure accurate readings and the safety of your baby. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:
- Choose the right type of thermometer: There are various types of baby thermometers available, including digital, infrared, ear, and forehead thermometers. Select the one that suits your baby's age and comfort level.
- Read the instructions: Before using any thermometer, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. Each thermometer may have specific guidelines for usage, cleaning, and maintenance.
- Clean the thermometer: Ensure that the thermometer is clean before and after each use. Use a soft cloth or cotton swab with alcohol or disinfectant wipes to clean the probe or sensor area.
- Use the appropriate method: Depending on the type of thermometer, follow the recommended method for taking your baby's temperature. This may include placing the thermometer under the armpit, in the ear canal, on the forehead, or rectally. Be gentle and follow the instructions to avoid discomfort or injury.
- Wait for the appropriate time: Some thermometers require a specific amount of time to get an accurate reading. Follow the recommended waiting time before reading the temperature.
- Keep a record: Maintain a record of your baby's temperature readings, along with the date and time. This can be helpful for monitoring any changes or patterns and sharing information with healthcare professionals if needed.
- Avoid sharing thermometers: To prevent the spread of germs or infections, avoid sharing thermometers between different individuals, including siblings or family members.
- Store the thermometer properly: After use, store the thermometer in a clean and dry place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. This will help maintain its accuracy and prolong its lifespan.
- Be cautious with rectal thermometers: If using a rectal thermometer, be extra careful to avoid injury. Use lubrication, insert the thermometer gently, and hold it in place until the reading is complete. Never leave your baby unattended during this process.
- Consult a healthcare professional: If you have any concerns about your baby's temperature or health, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on using thermometers correctly and interpreting the readings accurately.