By: Fosi Audio
The Fosi Audio TDA7498E 2 Channel Stereo Audio Amplifier is the perfect choice for your audio setup. This mini Hi-Fi Class D Integrated Amp features 160W x 2 power output, making it ideal for powering passive speakers. It also includes a 24V power supply for added convenience. With its exceptional value for money, superior build quality, wide compatibility, and easy connectivity, it’s one of the best Audio/Video Receivers & Amplifiers on the market. 12345678: works excellent, sounds great. sounds better than the less powerful model.
United States on Sep 03, 2023
Mac_Daemon: Good sound quality, pretty loud with the speakers I'm using. Thinking of buying another.
United States on Jul 20, 2023
Simon B.: Handsome small package, looks a bit 'NAD'-ish (if you like your hi-fi separates) nice weight to it, very simple - one set of RCA cables to input (so just one bit of kit to plug in directly) coming out to one set of speakers. But alas just a bit too much hiss noise having attached an internet / dab radio. In the booklet it comes with a warning specifically calling out the increased noise from a tuner. Such a shame. To be fair if you turn up the volume, you'll easily drown it out. For £55 i was possibly being too fussy. But that's me, Mr Fussy, so i sent it back, but i'd still recommend it, weirdly, maybe better with anything other than a tuner / dab / internet radio.
United Kingdom on Jul 18, 2023
Brian Donovan: I love this amp. Sounds better than my Denon integrated. I don’t know how Fosi does it? Maybe it will crap out in a year but guess what, I’ll buy another one. The only issue with this masterpiece is a very slight grounding noise when adjusting the volume. This is because Fosi has installed a metal volume knob and it’s not grounded 100% on the main board. To eliminate the slight static sound, connect a ground wire to one of the back allen screws on the unit and ground to the center plate screw on any plug outlet. Noise gone.
United States on Jun 24, 2023
Andreas M: Vorab: meinen Yamaha AVR betreibe ich für die beiden Hauptkanäle und im Stereobetrieb nur als Vorstufe, Endstufe war bisher ein Perreaux PMF-1150 Power MosFet Amp mit 2x 250W RMS an 4 Ohm bzw 2x 150W RMS an 8 Ohm, der enorme Leistungsbedarf der 1986 gekauften Endstufe mit verbautem Ringkerntrafo hat mich aber schon länger geärgert, da mein Setup bei Surround aber als 5.0 läuft und die Mains den Subbass mit übernehmen hatte ich bei den kleinen Class D immer so meine Bedenken, auch wenn selbst NUBERT bei seinen aktiven Subwoofern Class D Verstärker einsetzt.
Nun bei dem Preis dachte ich, viel falsch machen kann ich nicht, wenn ich es mal versuche und sollte er für die Mains nicht ausreichen, dann bekommt eben der Center Kanal eine eigene Endstufe, zumal ich hier recht unüblich mit 2 NuWave 35 als Center arbeite und ein kleiner Stereoamp somit genau das richitige wäre. In den Kritiken hatte ich allerdings schon gelesen dass das Netzteil etwas schwach ausgelegt ist und da gerade hier bei einem Amp, speziell wenn ausgewachsene Boxen betrieben werden, viel falsch gemacht werden kann, habe ich gleich ein 6 Ampère Schaltnetzteil gleicher Bauart dazu bestellt.
Jetzt die...
Germany on Nov 08, 2022
Friesenbiker: Update im November '22: Mit einem Knacken verabschiedete sich gestern der rechte Kanal - Umtausch über Amazon sehr stressfrei, dennoch bin ich da etwas schockiert - das sollte bei einem so jungen Gerät nicht passieren (ich vermute, es hat einen der sehr preiswerten Elkos innen erwischt).
Ich ziehe mal einen Stern ab und warte auf den (trotzdem nochmal bestellten) Nachfolger - Update folgt dann.
Der Kleine haut mich um :)
Er kommt mit recht brauchbarem, separatem Schaltnetzteil, alles ist sauber aufgebaut, innen wie außen.
Dem Schaltnetzteil ist wohl auch geschuldet, daß der kleine Power-Brikett recht sensibel auf die Massenströme in seiner Umgebung reagiert - möglichst alle USB-Lader und ähnliches Ungemach entfernt und auch nochmal alle Geräte in der gleichen Netzschleife auf richtige Polarität (ja, tatsächlich! ;) geprüft, hilft, hier ein verblüffendes Klangpotential freizulegen:
Mit einem Cambridge DAC als "Vorstufe", alle Geräte an einer Dynavox-Filtersteckdose angeschlossen (der Fosi natürlich auf der ungefilterten Seite und mit korrekt ausgephastem Netzkabel) und die TV-Anlage über...
Germany on Apr 08, 2022
Silent Gloves: When I saw the extremely low price of this unit, I decided to buy it for fun, and just to have one more amplifier laying around. Never know when that might come in handy. I compared this to my Class-D Nord dual mono Hypex NCore as well as my Denon receiver using a pair of KEF Q350s in my treated listening room. To be absolutely fair, both of those devices are well over 10x the price of this unit. For DAC duties, I used my Lynx Hilo mastering converter. Driving a $70 amp with a $2700 DAC seems completely absurd, yet here we are. I wanted to be sure and give this little amp the best chance.
I have a lot of gripes.
I started out with Rai Thistlethwayte's "Go Nuts," a song with a lot of dynamics and production value. The piano in the intro comes across through this amp with a bit of abrasion. The high hats which I know set very nicely in this mix come across as harsh and trill. The stereo image is significantly blurred, causing the song to lose most of its magic. This tune has a nice, punchy kick drum, but both the bass line and the kick drum come across as anemic and lacking authority.
Second up, I put on LeBrock's "Rush," one of my favorite tunes of recent...
United States on Apr 05, 2022
NinoNino: Ero da tempo alla ricerca di un piccolo ed economico amplificatore in classe D.
La voglia di provare questi piccoli aggeggi era davvero tanta, vi spiego sono già felice possessore del più famoso "SonicImpact" in classe T questo, solo per farvi capire il mio interesse verso questi "piccoli" amplificatori.
Ebbene dopo varie ricerche, la mia scelta è caduta su questo prodotto della Fosi, una non notissima azienda cinese nata del 2017. Si sono per l'appunto specializzati nella ricerca e sviluppo di innumerevoli amplificatori audio, dalle discrete qualità, che dopo vedremo, a prezzi davvero concorrenziali.
Ma passiamo adesso al nostro TDA7498E
* Adotta appunto il chip TDA7498E di Texas Instruments per ottenere un suono audio chiaro, nessun rumore udibile, quando non viene riprodotto nulla verso i diffusori.
* 160 W X 2 (4 ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0,04% THD
****Cosa mi è piaciuto****
* Dimensioni ridotte
* Case in alluminio di buona qualità
* Presenza dell'alimentatore (buon valore aggiunto anche se qualitativamente non è il massimo)
* Tasto di accensione e spegnimento davvero carino.
****Cosa invece non mi è...
Italy on Jun 29, 2020
Joshua G. Feldman: The Fosi TDA7498E is an improvement on previous Tripath-chip-style amps. It outputs more power, sounds cleaner, and has excellent clarity and rhythm - if you respect its limitations and use it with the right ancillary gear - by which I mean very sensitive speakers. This is my 4th Class-D "tripath-style" amp and each one has been better than the last. The whole concept is that a Texas instrument chip converts the signal to a gain stage directly on the silicone and the chip itself drives your speakers. There is very little additional circuitry and that's the key to its great sound, and also it's limited power.
As others here have rightly pointed out, this ships with a 24 volt switching style power supply. The amp itself has what looks like 20-25 watts worth of capacitance. This isn't a 160 wpc amplifier. Fosi doesn't support that specification and it's probably derived from some kind of BS "instantanous" (i.e. transient) power delivery stat based on something theoretical. The real usable power - in my experience in room - is about 20-25 wpc with a 1% thd ceiling (guestimated using listening). I'm a 55 year old long time audiophile and I know what distoration sounds like. The...
United States on Jun 08, 2020
Fosi Audio TDA7498E 2-Channel Mini Hi-Fi Stereo Class D Audio Amplifier with Integrated Amp | Fosi Audio BT20A Bluetooth 5.0 Stereo Audio 2-Channel Amplifier Receiver - High-Fidelity Music Streaming & Home Theater Audio Enhancement | Fosi Audio 2021: Upgrade Your Home Audio with Bluetooth 5.0 Stereo Amplifier Receiver | |
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B2B Rating |
Sale off | $10 OFF | $10 OFF | $20 OFF |
Total Reviews | 187 reviews | 891 reviews | 505 reviews |
Product Dimensions | 4.13 x 3.54 x 1.38 inches | 5.2 x 3.54 x 1.42 inches | 4.6 x 3.7 x 1.4 inches |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 4.13 x 3.54 x 1.38 inches | 5.2 x 3.54 x 1.42 inches | 4.6 x 3.7 x 1.4 inches |
Voltage | 220 Volts | 220 Volts | |
Date First Available | November 15, 2017 | March 26, 2018 | October 27, 2017 |
Item model number | TDA7498E | BT20A | BT10A |
Best Sellers Rank | #80,913 in Electronics #333 in Audio Component Amplifiers | #2,918 in Electronics #1 in Audio Component Amplifiers | #19,481 in Electronics #47 in Audio Component Amplifiers |
Customer Reviews | 4.4/5 stars of 1,240 ratings | 4.5/5 stars of 7,409 ratings | 4.5/5 stars of 4,962 ratings |
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer | No | No | No |
Manufacturer | Fosi Audio | No | No |
Brand | Fosi Audio | Fosi Audio | Fosi Audio |
Item Weight | 2.42 pounds | 1.5 pounds | 1.54 pounds |
Number of Channels | 2 | 2 | 2 |
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