Krachus: ... denn wir wollen den Hund ja nicht unnötig heftige Parfümsachen Richtung Nase oder ins Fell schmieren. Denn der Hund riecht tausendmal stärker als der Mensch und da wäre es Fatal wenn man ihn irgendwie eine Art Parfüm aufs Fell schmiert. Ist bei den Tüchern nicht so. Sie sind ganz dezent und haben einen hervorragende Reinigungswirkung für unterwegs... Zu Hause benutze ich natürlich nur Wasser....
Germany on Sep 28, 2023
Parker P: I love that these cleansing cloths have a nice light scent and it doesn’t bother my pups sensitive nose. They leave her fresh and with a shiny coat. She loves her cleanups. Makes her feel good and gives her a little pep In her step.
United States on Sep 26, 2023
山BOUZ: 最後の一枚までウェット感があった。
Japan on Sep 26, 2023
Amazon カスタマー: 厚みがあって、水分もちょうど良く、毎日のお散歩帰りの足拭きに使ってるので沢山入ってあるので重宝します。
Japan on Sep 26, 2023
Willie Le: We use these after every walk for our 15 and 50 pound dogs. One wipe for each dog usually does the trick unless it was a real dirty walk. They're very durable compared to other wipes we've used so no fretting about it ripping or tearing. Fragrance free and hypoallergenic is a must for our pups so that's the biggest plus.
United States on Sep 23, 2023
Roxana Torres: Love these wipes, they are hypoallergenic so it’s great for sensitive skin. I have them on auto ship to save a bit and I recommend that if you end up liking them!
I also like that they are unscented since my pup has sensitive skin, she can’t tolerate the added fragrances.
United States on Sep 20, 2023
Marie-Claude: Extra pour les yeux des chiens et des chats, pour laver mon sphinx entre 2 douches. J'utilise même pour enlever des traces sur les fauteuils ou canapés. C'est super utile et pratique. Je les ai toujours à portée de main.
France on Sep 20, 2023
Stefania Rassu: Questa è la terza o la quarta volta che le acquisto e questo vi fa capire quanto io sia soddisfatta. Come proprietaria di un cane energico che si rotola ovunque, cercavo delle salviette che potessero tenere il passo con le sue avventure quotidiane e queste si sono rivelate una scelta eccellente.
Sono state accuratamente progettate per essere spesse e robuste, consentendo di pulire efficacemente lo sporco più ostinato. Anche quando il mio cane si immerge nella melma o si rotola nella terra, queste salviette sono state in grado di rimuovere lo sporco senza strapparsi o sfaldarsi. Sono estremamente resistenti.
Inoltre, la dimensione delle salviette è perfetta. Sono abbastanza grandi da coprire un'ampia superficie, consentendomi di pulire il mio cane in modo rapido ed efficiente.
Il profumo delicato è un altro aspetto positivo di queste salviette. Non è un odore troppo forte o invadente che potrebbe disturbare il mio cane, ma un piacevole profumo che lascia il suo pelo fresco e gradevole.
Infine, apprezzo molto il fatto che queste salviette siano sicure per la pelle sensibile del mio cane.
Le consiglio vivamente a tutti i proprietari di cani che cercano un prodotto...
Italy on Aug 15, 2023
Amazon Customer: These pet wipes are large, durable, unscented, and work well.
I have a 20lb dog whose fur absorbs all of the smells. I have tried many brands of wipes on her for in-between bath times. I can happily say my search is over.
Unscented wipes were a must for me. My dog smells clean after she dries, the odors are gone and these leave no additional fragrance behind.
After her fur dries she feels clean and no weird residue is left behind.
Other brands that I've tried didn't clean well, left residue behind, and just added fragrance on top of her smelly fur.
I also use these on my 20-year-old cat who needs a little help with keeping clean. I tried other brands of wipes on her also and she would recoil from them all, probably because of the fragrances. She doesn't mind these and will sit still and let me wipe her down.
I'm so glad I can finally stop searching for pet wipes. I hope they never stop making these.
United States on Aug 02, 2023
Kayem: I had to leave town for a week and boarded one of the cats at the vet due to the cat's medical issues. Said cat, who normally is really chill, was not happy about this and turned into a snarling, biting, ball of flesh-ripping fury during said week. After I brought him home, I realized the cat had decided to let loose his bowels and his backside was encrusted with the remains of breakfast. Said cat is also a longhair because of course the poopsplosion happened with the longhair cat.
Just to make things even more fun, I had given away my stash of cat shampoo right before I left. "I've never used any of this," I told the recipient. "I probably won't be needing it any time soon, so it might as well go to someone else." was most likely the most prophetic statement I ever made. The universe heard me make such a bold proclamation and decided I needed a lesson in humility. Thus, the poopocalypse was set into motion.
This meant instead of a relaxing day of unwinding, I had to de-poopify my cat's furry butt. This is not an easy task. The cat does not like having its butt messed with. I sympathized with his plight, but I also did not want to have to clean all the furniture that...
United States on Dec 31, 2019
Pogi's All-Natural Grooming Wipes for Dogs | Clean and Refresh Your Dog with Biodegradable Dog Grooming Wipes from Doggy Do Good | Hypoallergenic Pet Wipes for Dogs by Pogi's Pet Supplies - Grooming and Cleaning Made Easy! | |
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B2B Rating |
Sale off | $3 OFF | $2 OFF | |
Total Reviews | 734 reviews | 316 reviews | 4 reviews |
Product Dimensions | 12 x 4 x 3 inches; 2 Pounds | 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 inches; 1.87 Pounds | 12.01 x 12.01 x 2.99 inches; 2 Pounds |
Item model number | PPWIPES400 | PPWIPES100 | |
ASIN | B076HD6NPB | B07KJVD466 | B010MVG6ZY |
Manufacturer | No | Doggy Do Good | Pogi's Pet Supplies |
Date First Available | June 29, 2015 | November 20, 2018 | June 29, 2015 |
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer | No | No | No |