Business Decision Making Books

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Browse Business Decision Making Books with excellent ratings

12 reviews
Are you looking for a book that can help you navigate the tricky terrain of working with difficult personalities? Look no further than Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People by Renee Evenson. This comprehensive book offers over 325 ready-to-use words and phrases that can help you make the best decisions in any situation. With its high-quality binding and pages, easy-to-read format, and knowledgeable content, this book is sure to provide you with overall satisfaction.
20 reviews
$152 OFF
Richard L. Daft's The Leadership Experience is one of the best business decision-making books available. It is of high quality, boasting a sturdy binding and thick pages that make it easy to read. Additionally, the book is full of knowledge, offering readers a comprehensive overview of the subject. Finally, its overall satisfaction rating is through the roof, making it a must-have for any businessperson.
1 reviews
$125 OFF
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, by O. C. Ferrell, is one of the best business decision making books available. With high-quality binding and pages, this book is easy to read and provides a wealth of knowledge. Readers are sure to be highly satisfied with their overall experience.

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