ANGELBLISS Baby Playpen is the perfect solution for keeping your little one safe and secure. Our playpen is designed with your baby's safety in mind, featuring a secure gate and extra-large construction for both indoor and outdoor use. The anti-fall design ensures your baby won't be injured if they fall, while the gray color provides a stylish look. Our playpen is the perfect choice for any parent who wants to ensure their child's safety and security. With its superior build quality, vibrant color, exceptional customer service, and modern design, ANGELBLISS Baby Playpen is the best choice for any parent. Karen E: The carry case is a little silly because there's no way once assembled that you'd ever want to take this apart again. In fact, I have 2 different playpens and the other came with a mat, and I really wish this one had too because the first week I had this setup baby spitup while playing and I had to take apart the entire playpen to clean it! Once assembled (which needed a rubber mallet), I needed assistance to get apart. Some of the connections were just too difficult to get apart for me due to the design and click connects. I took a star off because my other pen is larger, came with a mat, AND was cheaper. I wouldn't have purhased this specific pen if the other had been purchased first specifically just for the lack of an included mat.
United States on Sep 11, 2023
TheaThea: Working overnights i needed a solution other than sleeping on the floor of my babys play pen. I was nervous this thing wouldn't fit my bed, but it does!!!! My only fear is my cat will scratch it to heck. But so far so good. Now my baby can wake up and play or watch her shows and I don't have to worry about her falling out of bed! There's enough room on the side (closest to the wall) to put a row of those floor tiles. And I put her toys and some books over there.
United States on Sep 10, 2023
Amazon Customer: This is a great little play pen. It has 2 doors that you can unzip for in and out access. It was pretty easy to put together too.
United States on Aug 24, 2023
Heather Maldonado: We had to rearrange our entire living room to make it fit. Allot bigger than I expected. Love it but it's not by any means portable.
United States on Aug 11, 2023
Carla gil: Muito facil de montar e muita qualidade nos materiais.
Spain on Sep 28, 2022
Matthäus PajonkMatthäus Pajonk: Versand:
Ich habe den Laufstall für meine 6 Monate alte Tochter gekauft. Bereits nach 3 Tagen kam die Bestellung an. Der Laufstall war in einer kleinen handlichen Tragetasche verstaut.
Der Aufbau vom Laufstall war recht simpel und nicht sonderlich zeit- und kraftaufwendig. Durch das einfache Stecksystem der Stäbe war der Laufstall im Nu aufgebaut. Die Bedienungsanleitung, die mit dabei war, war auch sehr verständlich. Als der Laufstall aufgebaut war, habe ich festgestellt, wie riesig er eigentlich ist. Da haben auf jeden Fall viele Kinder Platz, um sich auszutoben.
Das Material, aus dem der Laufstall hergestellt wurde, scheint qualitativ hochwertig zu sein. Der Stoff ist gut verarbeitet und die Stäbe sind sehr stabil. Man kann sich gegen die Wände lehnen und der Stall hält gut. An allen wichtigen Stellen sind die Stäbe mit Stoff ummantelt, das finde ich richtig gut. So kann sich das Kind nirgendwo wehtun. Das Einzige, was ich hier für verbesserungsfähig halte, ist die Bodenplane. Die ist relativ dünn, sodass man auf jeden Fall etwas unter oder über den Laufstallboden legen muss, damit sich die Kinder beim Spielen nicht verletzen...
Germany on Sep 25, 2022
Aletta: Ho preso il grigio chiaro 150x180 e ad un mese dall'acquisto sono soddisfatta. È facile da montare, la struttura mi sembra ben robusta, ma anche leggerissima; le ventose sotto evitano lo slittamento; il colore grigio chiaro è discreto alla vista e non stufa. L'unica cosa che mi lascia perplessa è questo telo Oxford che mi sembra molto sottile e mi chiedo se reggerà nel tempo, soprattutto nelle parti retate e le cerniere zip. Sicuramente aggiornerò la recensione più avanti. Al momento ce lo stiamo godendo alla grande e ha convinto anche il mio compagno perplesso. Consiglio l'acquisto di un tappetino 150x180 da inserirvi per non far passare il freddo e per attutire i colpi delle cadute.
Italy on Apr 21, 2022
MirabelleMirabelle: Der Laufstall ist wirklich sehr stabil und die Oberflächen sind abwaschbar. Man kann ihn z. B. einfach ins Wohnzimmer stellen. Gerade derzeit im Home Office hat er sich bei uns jetzt schon als sehr hilfreich erwiesen, da unser kleiner Wirbelwind alles auseinander nimmt sobald man sie mal 1 Sekunde aus den Augen lässt. :) Die Lieferung war auch schnell, war innerhalb von zwei Tagen da. Das Paket war gar nicht so groß wie vermutet. Der Inhalt hat mich erst ein bisschen verunsichert da doch sehr viele Einzelteile darin waren. Aber es war relativ schnell zusammen gebaut bzw. gesteckt. Hat ca. 15 min. gedauert. Man steckt einfach nur die Stangen durch die Plane, kein Schrauben oder ähnliches.
Der Laufstall ist schön groß, dieser hat also auch genug Platz für Mama, Papa oder ein Geschwisterchen. Man muss allerdings auf jeden Fall etwas in oder unter den Laufstall legen weil der Boden wie eine Plane ist, also sehr dünn. Wir haben ihn einfach auf einen Teppich gestellt. So ist es nicht zu hart und auch nicht zu kalt am Popo, als wenn er beispielsweise nur auf dem Laminat etc. stehen würde. Praktischer hätte ich es auch gefunden wenn eine kleine Tür zum auf und zu machen...
Germany on May 18, 2021
EleEle: Perfetto. Abbiamo acquistato questo box per nostro figlio di 7 mesi e mezzo che sta iniziando a gattonare, per ora gli piace mettersi seduto e rotolare perciò non potevamo lasciarlo da solo sul tappeto giochi nemmeno un secondo senza rischiare che finisse contro il muro o sul pavimento. Abbiamo risolto alla grande con questo box. Quando sono da sola a casa con lui posso lasciarlo a giocare due minuti e andare in bagno ad esempio senza preoccuparmi che si potrebbe far del male.
Attenzione! Il box non ha un tappeto interno, lo sfondo è semplicemente di tela. Occorre mettere un tappeto internamente. Noi avevamo già acquistato un tappeto giochi molto grande qui su Amazon e abbiamo posizionato il box sopra. Ottima soluzione.
I genitori possono entrare a giocare con il bambino sia dalle "porte" con chiusura a cerniera, sia scavalcandolo (facilmente), però sconsiglio in assoluto di scavalcare il box con il bimbo in braccio per non inciampare!
Materiali di qualità, è molto facile da montare. Ci vogliono giustamente 2 minuti per capire le istruzioni (un po' succinte). I tubi si uniscono con dei pezzi di plastica dura per creare il quadro. Non servono attrezzi, è...
Italy on Apr 17, 2021
ANGELBLISS Baby Playpen: A Safe Space for Your Little One to Play! | Graco Portable Playard for On-the-Go Fun | Fanbufan Baby Playpen: Safe & Fun Play Space for Your Little One | |
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B2B Rating |
Sale off | $100 OFF | ||
Total Reviews | 173 reviews | 4 reviews | 903 reviews |
Customer Reviews | 4.6/5 stars of 1,694 ratings | 4.8/5 stars of 42,868 ratings | 4.8/5 stars of 3,276 ratings |
Country/Region of origin | China | China | China |
Maximum Weight Recommendation | 50 Kilograms | ||
Maximum weight recommendation | 50 Kilograms | 20 Kilograms | 150 Pounds |
Item Weight | 18.46 pounds | 21.2 pounds | 6.4 ounces |
Floor Area | 39 Square Feet | ||
Best Sellers Rank | #6,243 in Baby #65 in Baby Playards | #135 in Baby #1 in Baby Playards#1 in Playard Bedding | #5,164 in Baby #55 in Baby Playards |
Product Dimensions | 79 x 71 x 27 inches | 39.5 x 28.25 x 29 inches | 8 x 10 x 25 inches |
Brand | ANGELBLISS | Graco | |
Batteries required | No | No | No |
Material Type | Plastic | Nylon | |
Age Range (Description) | Kid | ||
Item model number | AB-617 | 2121349 | X0032OBG4L |
material_composition | Oxford mesh + alloy steel pipe | Alloy Steel | |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 79 x 71 x 27 inches | 39.5 x 28.25 x 29 inches | |
Color | Grey | Kagen | |
ASIN | B08YZ29G9T | B08571J5LK | B09LLL938K |
Material | Plastic | Nylon |
The only negative thing is:
My 15 month old has started pulling the sides with out the rings because it is only velcro that goes over the structure
My suggestion would be: For their to 4 rings included.. Cause she can't pull the sides down that have a pull up ring/ handle type of thing.